Monday, 10 March 2014

Four Ways To Build A Mobile Application, Part 4: Appcelerator Titanium

This article is the latest in a series of articles covering four ways to develop a mobile application . In previous articles , we covered how to build a tip calculator in native , native Android and iOS PhoneGap . In this article, we will look at another tool development platform , Appcelerator Titanium .
Allowed us to build a PhoneGap application tip calculator quickly and make it run both Android and iOS platforms. In doing so, we are left with a user interface (UI ) that , although quite usable, do not offer quite the same experience as that of a truly native application. Our solution takes advantage of PhoneGap view and represents a web UI with HTML5 and CSS3.
By contrast, Appcelerator Titanium applications make the user interface using native platform controls . Titanium is designed to provide the experience of a native user interface , along with portability between iOS , Android and BlackBerry platforms. Appcelerator plans to launch support for Windows Phone and Windows 8 later this year.
Here's our version of Appcelerator Titanium application displays FasTip running on iOS and Android:

 With Titanium , an application is written in JavaScript . However , instead of manipulating an HTML DOM , as you would in a PhoneGap application , the JavaScript API is Interacting with the Appcelerator Titanium . Provides user interface objects Titanium for things like buttons , text fields , lists, etc. . , And These are backed by truly faithful representation of the respective mobile platform native controls . In many cases , the code you write for one platform can run unmodified on other platforms as well . However , as seen with info we have native iOS and Android Approaches to navigate the different screens (eg with ViewControllers navigationController in iOS and Android activities) , not all of These Differences can be abstracted well . As such, Even with Appcelerator , At least some parts of your code will Have To Be específicamente written for each platform .
Appcelerator is a set of products , including titanium SDK for building mobile applications , cloud services and some can be used That for the end part of the application . The products can be used Independently of each other or in combination . The Titanium SDK and integrated development environment (IDE ) is offered Preferred free of charge for any commercial application . Appcelerator made ​​available at an additional cost of an enterprise version , que includes support, cloud services and analytics . Training and certification program are also available for an additional charge .
An Eclipse -based IDE called Titanium Studio is provided by Appcelerator . This IDE contains a JavaScript authoring environment , along with a source- level debugger...

Starting Your First Project:

Appcelerator Titanium Studio and Titanium are available for free. Appcelerator provides a document "Quick Start " that completely covers the steps to get started. Just follow these steps to get titanium tools :

To use Titanium , you must create a free developer account on the website titanium . With this developer account , you get the SDK Titanium and Titanium Studio IDE.
Once you have a developer account , you can access resources Appcelerator Developer . Here you will find a series of links "Getting Started" , including getting the tools for Mac , Windows and Linux.
As with PhoneGap , you must install the native SDK for the platforms you wish to support . However, Titanium Studio makes it easy. A configuration tool integrated platform Titanium Studio makes it easy to install and update the native SDK: